Labour Court Database __________________________________________________________________________________ File Number: CD87298 Case Number: LCR11257 Section / Act: S67 Parties: UCD - and - FWUI |
Claims for the introduction of: (a) a career and promotional structure for library assistants, (b) a promotional structure for archivists.
9. The Court, having considered the submissions made by the
parties does not consider that the case for a grading structure as
claimed by the library assistants has been sustained and does not
therefore recommend concession of the Union's claim. The Court
further recommends that further discussions take place on the
College's offer to establish a grade of senior library assistant.
The Court does not recommend extended grading for archivists.
Division: Mr O'Connell Mr Collins Mr Devine
Text of Document__________________________________________________________________
1. Claims for the introduction of:
(a) a career and promotional structure for library
(b) a promotional structure for archivists.
General background:
2. In 1985 the Union lodged these claims and the College rejected
them. Negotiations took place at local level during 1986 but no
agreement was reached. On 6th February, 1987 the matter was
referred to the conciliation service of the Labour Court. A
conciliation conference was held on 13th March, 1987 but no
agreement was reached and on 10th April, 1987 the case was
referred to the Court for investigation and recommendation. A
Labour Court hearing was held on 18th May, 1987.
Claim (a): a career and promotional structure for library
3. This claim concerns thirty five library assistants. Their
present salary scale ranges from #7045 up to #10,229 in an eleven
point scale. In March, 1985 the Union claimed the introduction of
a three graded structure along the following lines:
Grade 3 - the induction grade for the structure.
Grade 2 - the first promotional grade and would be
entered on the basis of having achieved
satisfactory performance, additional
experience agreed period of time.
Grade 1 - the senior grade and the post would carry
with it additional duties and
responsibilities in respect of the work being
The College rejected the claim but on 13th January, 1987 made
proposals for settlement which involved the introduction of a
promotional grade of senior library assistant (details of the
College's proposals are in appendix 1). The Union rejected these
Union's arguments:
4. (i) The basic salaries of library assistants in both
Trinity College Dublin (T.C.D.) and the College are
broadly similar but library assistants in T.C.D. have a
career and promotional structure which does not exist
for library assistants in the College.
(ii) The current structure in T.C.D. was negotiated in the
context of agreement on future "technological change."
New technology was introduced and has developed in the
College without any improvements in the pay and
conditions of staff.
(iii) At present library assistants in the College have
little or no promotional opportunities as entry to the
next promotional grade, that of assistant librarian 2,
is only open to applicants with a degree.
(iv) Concession of this claim would only affect those
library assistants who are on the maximum part of the
scale. The cost of the claim therefore, would involve
future rather than current costs.
(v) At present, a major expansion and amalgamation of the
Agriculture, Main and Science libraries known as 'phase
2' is almost complete which will involve job changes
greater flexibility and the greater use of new
technology by library assistants.
College's arguments:
5. (a) This claim is similar to a claim lodged in 1980 on
behalf of the same grade. That claim was the subject
of Labour Court Recommendation No. 6193 in which the
Court recommended that the College's offer to lengthen
the library assistant scale should be accepted but did
not recommend the introduction of a new promotional
(b) A scheme on the basis outlined by the College, in their
letter of 13th January, 1987 (see appendix 1), would
provide a reasonable solution to the Union's claim.
Claim (b): a promotional structure for archivists
6. This claim refers to six archivists. There are two grades for
archivists in the College at present, grade 1 (4 workers) and
grade 2 (2 workers). On 5th December, 1985 the Union made a claim
for a promotional structure on behalf of the archivists. This
structure was to be three graded namely archivist one, archivist
two, archivist three with grades two and three equating with the
present grades. The Union also sought the promotion of the two
archivists grade 2 to grade 1. The College rejected the claim.
Union's arguments:
7. (i) Archivists have parity of pay with the assistant
lecturer grade. Assistant lecturers, however, are
automatically considered for promotion to college
lecturer on reaching the 10th point of their scale and
may progress further on promotion. No such progression
opportunities for promotion are available to
(ii) Three graded structures exist for archivists in such
comparable organisations as T.C.D., the Public Boards
Office, Royal Irish Academy, and in Cambridge,
Liverpool and York Universities.
(iii) Concession of the claim would entail very little
additional costs and would have no consequential
effects elsewhere.
College's arguments:
8. (a) There is no justification for a further archivist grade
above the level of archivist grade 1.
(b) On the question of the promotion of the archivists
grade 2 the College considers that the workers should
apply for regrading to the College's non academic
promotions committee. A staff member is not normally
considered for regrading until he or she has reached
the top of his/her scale but application may be made
earlier if a worker considers his or her case
9. The Court, having considered the submissions made by the
parties does not consider that the case for a grading structure as
claimed by the library assistants has been sustained and does not
therefore recommend concession of the Union's claim. The Court
further recommends that further discussions take place on the
College's offer to establish a grade of senior library assistant.
The Court does not recommend extended grading for archivists.
Signed on behalf of the Labour Court
John O'Connell
18th June, 1987.
T.O'M./J.C. Deputy Chairman.
Colleges settlement proposals of 13th January, 1987
"The College considers that the establishment of a higher grade of
Library Assistant is not essential and that it is important that
the implications of its creation be fully understood by all
concerned. It would be possible to establish a small number of
promotional posts (approximately six) for Library Assistants
without affecting the numbers in other grades. The creation of
Senior Library Assistants posts would provide:
(a) an opportunity to employ to greater advantage than at
present those Library Assistants who are capable of
undertaking a more responsible role in the library's
staff organisation by virtue of their ability,
attitudes, qualifications and experience.
(b) an opportunity to divert some of the more routine
duties and responsibilities from the professionally
qualified members of staff to library assistants,
thereby simultaneously enhancing the job content for
both categories. Library Assistants would, presumably,
derive greater job satisfaction from increased
responsibilities and professionally qualified staff
would be more free to concentrate on those aspects of
their work for which they are qualified.
However, any rearrangement of responsibilities along these lines
on a large scale would imply a reduction in the proportion of all
professionally qualified staff and an increase in the proportion
of Library Assistants and Senior Library Assistants. The salary
scale, duties and responsibilities of the Senior Library Assistant
grade could be discussed if the arrangement outlined were agreed
in principle.
The implementation of agreed proposals for a new grade would be
subject to the approval of the Governing Body of the College and
the Higher Education Authority."
From: COFFEY 19-JUN-1987 13:51