Labour Court Database __________________________________________________________________________________ File Number: CD88349 Case Number: LCR11911 Section / Act: S67 Parties: RADIO TELEFIS EIREANN - and - THE FEDERATED WORKERS UNION OF IRELAND |
Change in rosters in the sound library.
5. The Court is of the view that the Authority's proposal to
reduce manning levels on Saturday in the sound library is not
unreasonable and accordingly does not recommend concession of the
Union's claims.
Division: Ms Owens Mr Heffernan Mr Walsh
Text of Document__________________________________________________________________
1. Change in rosters in the sound library.
2. There are ten staff involved in this dispute - 5 library
assistants and 5 assistant librarians. The Authority decided, as
and from the 20th February, 1988, to discontinue the practice of
having two persons rostered (one assistant librarian and one
library assistant) to staff the sound library on a Saturday
between the hours of 11.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The change would
reduce the requirement to one person being rostered. The Union
objected to the change on the grounds that no serious
justification for the change was put forward by management and no
prior consultation took place with the Union. The Authority
insists that it is within its rights to make the change. At
present the sound library staff are operating the old roster - two
employees work on Saturday where only one is rostered, and the
extra employee does not report for work on Monday, which would
under the old system be a day off in lieu of Saturday. The
Authority is deducting a day's pay in these cases. Discussions
took place at local level but no agreement was reached. The
dispute was referred to the conciliation service of the Labour
Court on the 22nd February, 1988. A Conciliation Conference took
place on the 23rd March, 1988, but as no agreement was reached the
matter was referred to the Labour Court for investigation and
recommendation on the 9th May, 1988. A Labour Court hearing took
place on the 3rd June, 1988.
3. 1. The new shift was introduced without prior consultation or
agreement, and is opposed by the majority of staff in the
sound library. At present an assistant librarian works with a
library assistant one Saturday in five from 11.30 a.m. to
7.30 p.m. There is a full range of live radio programming for
most of the shift.
3. 2. There is no effective training programme for library
staff. The new shift if implemented would mean that
inexperienced staff could be left in charge in an area about
which they know little. Presently there are only three
permanent library assistant staff members, two others are
temporary, and a third is on a year's leave of absence.
During the year there has been a significant increase in live
broadcasting both on radio and television. Recent senior
management reports on the sound library have indicated that
the library is fundamental and 'pivotal' to broadcasting needs
and staff feel that the new shift is a negative response,
especially when the Authority is facing keen competition from
commercial interests.
3. The new shift makes no allowances for meal breaks or
illness, erodes the present grading structure and damages the
limited promotional opportunities that are available to
library staff.
4. The proposed changes appear to have been suggested on the
basis of loans, and returns, which is the only area covered by
statistics. Statistics do not properly reflect the work done
in the library, and are constantly changing/increasing because
of extended broadcasting hours, which is particularly
noticeable at weekends. In the summer schedule there are
further plans to increase the hours of live broadcasting, thus
making extra demands on the staff in the sound library. In
line with the practice in the main library there have always
been two staff on duty on Saturdays and holiday weekends and
in order to maintain a good service, this staffing arrangement
is essential. Many problems have been caused as a result of
managements decision to reduce staffing in the sound library,
and staff who have refused to work the new roster have lost
money, and in some cases annual leave is being refused.
4. 1. The claim before the Court relates to the refusal of the
sound library staff to accept a minor change in their roster
which does not require them to attend for duty on as many
Saturdays as heretofore. The Union has shown a reluctance to
accept even the slightest element of change, and its position
is contrary to the terms of the "Development of the
Broadcasting Services" in the 1980's Agreement "which provides
for the most efficient and practical use of staff."