Labour Court Database __________________________________________________________________________________ File Number: CD92141 Case Number: LCR13597 Section / Act: S26(1) Parties: IRISH GLASS BOTTLE COMPANY LIMITED - and - SERVICES INDUSTRIAL PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL UNION |
Re-hearing due to failure to reach agreement of L.C.R. 13462.
3. The Court has considered all of the points raised by the
parties, together with the studies carried out by the Company and
Union assessors.
Given the constraints placed on the assessors when undertaking the
studies the Court finds they provide inadequate information on
which to issue a conclusive recommendation.
The Court notes the loss of production as a consequence of the
close down of two machines due in part to the quality problems and
the method selected for their resolution which is at the heart of
this dispute, and recognises that it is imperative that the issue
be resolved as quickly as possible if security of employment is to
be assured and further serious damage to customer confidence is to
be avoided.
In the light of the above the Court calls on the parties to
consider the implications of the continuation of this damaging
dispute and exhorts the union and the Company to accept the
following proposals as a basis for resolving the matter.
1. That the new equipment required for quality control be
immediately utilised for a period of three months.
2. That during this period the workers gain knowledge and
familiarity with the method of operating it, and that the
Company monitor the operation and make such changes as may be
required to ensure that working conditions do not deteriorate.
3. That in the third month the operation be assessed by the
Company and Union assessors or by an agreed independent
assessor in accordance with normal work study practices.
4. That the results of the assessment be discussed by the parties
with a view to reaching an agreement.
5. That in the event that agreement is not possible the results
of the assessment will be referred to the Labour Court who on
considering them will issue a recommendation. Until such time
as that recommendation, if it should be required has been
accepted or rejected, the system should continue to be worked.
6. That the effective date of any such recommendation shall be
the date on which the new equipment came into use.
The Court so recommends.
Division: MrMcGrath Mr McHenry Mr Walsh
Text of Document__________________________________________________________________
1. Re-hearing due to failure to reach agreement of L.C.R. 13462.
2. The Court investigated the above dispute on 10th March, 1992.
3. The Court has considered all of the points raised by the
parties, together with the studies carried out by the Company and
Union assessors.
Given the constraints placed on the assessors when undertaking the
studies the Court finds they provide inadequate information on
which to issue a conclusive recommendation.
The Court notes the loss of production as a consequence of the
close down of two machines due in part to the quality problems and
the method selected for their resolution which is at the heart of
this dispute, and recognises that it is imperative that the issue
be resolved as quickly as possible if security of employment is to
be assured and further serious damage to customer confidence is to
be avoided.
In the light of the above the Court calls on the parties to
consider the implications of the continuation of this damaging
dispute and exhorts the union and the Company to accept the
following proposals as a basis for resolving the matter.
1. That the new equipment required for quality control be
immediately utilised for a period of three months.
2. That during this period the workers gain knowledge and
familiarity with the method of operating it, and that the
Company monitor the operation and make such changes as may be
required to ensure that working conditions do not deteriorate.
3. That in the third month the operation be assessed by the
Company and Union assessors or by an agreed independent
assessor in accordance with normal work study practices.
4. That the results of the assessment be discussed by the parties
with a view to reaching an agreement.
5. That in the event that agreement is not possible the results
of the assessment will be referred to the Labour Court who on
considering them will issue a recommendation. Until such time
as that recommendation, if it should be required has been
accepted or rejected, the system should continue to be worked.
6. That the effective date of any such recommendation shall be
the date on which the new equipment came into use.
The Court so recommends.
Signed on behalf of the Labour Court
Tom McGrath
12th March, 1992. Deputy Chairman