1. Increase in rate of pay.
2. The dispute before the Court concerns a claim by the Union on behalf of nine currency assistants who work in the Bank's Currency Centre in Sandyford for an increase in their rate of pay.
In 1998, the Bank agreed a Business Plan with the Currency Assistants. The staff received a pay increase of 8.78% in return for a flexible approach to work practices and procedures. The Union states that the introduction of the Business Plan has doubled the workload of its members and the payment they received is not adequate.
In September, 1999, an amended Annex to the Business Plan was drawn up. Among the Bank's additional requirements are as follows:
- All currency assistants' work will be carried out during normal working hours. Management will decide on a case by case basis when overtime is required. Work that cannot be done during normal working hours will be sanctioned for overtime.
- The decision on what work is done by currency assistants and what work is applicable to other groups of staff will be made by Management.
- Coin produced in the Mint will be delivered by Mint staff to an area designated by Management in the Coin Production and Storage Facility. Otherwise movement of coin within the facility will be carried out by currency assistants.
- Withdrawn coin will be handled (received and stored) during normal working hours.
In return for staff agreeing to the amended Annex to the Business Plan which includes full co-operation and flexibility, the Bank made the following proposals:- An increase of 2.5% on basic pay (in addition to the 8.78% already paid) with effect from the 1st of March, 1998.
- An acting-up Assistant Foreman position when a member of the supervisory team is on leave or absent.
- A lump sum of £800 per person for loss of regular rostered overtime.
- A further increase of 2.5% to all currency assistants, including supervisors, for the buyout of forklift allowances on the basis that all staff make themselves available for forklift duties. Training will be provided where necessary.
The Union rejected the Bank's proposals. The Union is seeking on behalf of its members the following:
1. 6% increase for past productivity.
2. 8% increase for new and future productivity.
3. A lump sum payment of £1,000 for the introduction of EURO.
4. An extra 3 days' annual leave.
5. Promotion for an additional Foreman and Assistant Foreman.
6. The introduction of an incremental scale.
7. Compensation for loss of overtime.
As agreement was not reached at the conciliation conferences held on the 20th of April, 1999, the 15th of June, 1999, the 12th of July, 1999 and the 19th of July, 1999 the dispute was referred to the Labour Court in accordance with Section 26 (1) of the Industrial Relations Act, 1990 on the 20th of August, 1999. A Labour Court hearing took place on the 7th of September, 1999.
The parties agreed that a further assessment of the currency assistants' work at the Coin Storage Centre be carried out by the independent assessor.
Arising from the assessor's report the parties agreed to a further attempt at resolving the dispute at a Conciliation Conference held on the 6th of December, 1999. As agreement was not reached the dispute was again referred to the Labour Court. A Labour Court hearing took place on the 27th of January, 2000.
3. 1. The staff concerned have not received an adequate pay increase even though they have been operating under the Business Plan. The introduction of the Business Plan has doubled their workload.
2. The new coin facility was not mentioned in the Business Plan. It is a whole new operation which means more work for the staff concerned.
3. The Union's claim is justified as the nature and level of responsibility has changed for the staff concerned.
4. 1. The new storage facility will improve working conditions for the currency assistants as all work is done at one level compared with a number of levels in the old facility. Staff have benefited from the introduction of mechanical handling of coin, which has reduced the manual handling significantly.
2. The current pay rates for currency assistants compare very favourably with equivalent grades in the Civil Service.
3. The Union's rejection of the Bank's proposals is damaging to the Bank's business. The Bank cannot properly supply coins to the banking system.
4. The spirit of the Business Plan is not being observed by the staff concerned. Full co-operation from staff is required.
The Court has considered all details relating to this dispute. The Company, in anticipation of the changes envisaged as a result of the introduction of the Euro, and in an effort to introduce new work practices for Currency Assistants, concluded a Business Plan with the Union. This agreement provided,inter alia, for an increase in pay in return for "a more flexible approach to work procedures and practices to accommodate future changes in the work requirements".
The Court recommends that the Union should honour the terms of this agreement in full and should co-operate with the required changes set out in the amended Annex to the agreement.
In respect of the outstanding issues arising from the amended Annex to the Business Plan and the clarifying paragraphs as outlined to the Court in the Company's submission, (details above) the Court recommends that the Union should accept the Company's offer, amended as follows:
- The monetary amounts of forklift allowances, which currently apply to two workers, should be retained on a personal-to-holder basis for those two workers.
- The claim in respect of an increase in annual leave should be discussed at local level to ascertain whether there is an anomaly or an unfair practice applying to certain staff.
- The Court rejects the claim for the introduction of an incremental scale.
- The working arrangements for the unloading of containers have been detrimental for the Company. Due to the changes which are now taking place in these established procedures and their consequential loss of earnings for Currency Assistants, the Court recommends that a lump sum of £800 should be paid to these workers on acceptance of this Recommendation and a further payment of £800 should be paid after a period of 3 months satisfactory performance of the Business Plan. The Court recommends that this sum should be considered as incorporating compensation for co-operation with the transition to the Euro.
The Court is concerned at the apparent creation of industrial relations problems, arising from, at times, minor issues. In order to establish better Management/Staff relations, the Court recommends that the present communications system should be examined in an effort to avoid problems and to deal with issues at an earlier stage, in a spirit of co-operation.
The Court is of the view that the parties should take such measures as are necessary to improve the industrial relations climate. If necessary, the assistance of the Advisory Service of the Labour Relations Commission should be sought.
Signed on behalf of the Labour Court
Caroline Jenkinson
14th February, 2000______________________
G.B./B.C.Deputy Chairman
Enquiries concerning this Recommendation should be addressed to Gerardine Buckley, Court Secretary.