ODEI - The Equality Tribunal
Equal Status Act 2000
Annie McDonagh
(represented by Galway Travellers Support Group)
Fiddler's Creek Bar, Sligo
(represented by McGovern Walsh & Co., Solicitors, Sligo)
File No. ES/2001/551
Date of Issue: 12/11/2002
Headnotes:Equal Status Act, 2000 - Discrimination, Section 3(1)(a) - Membership of the Traveller community, Section 3(2)(i) - Disposal of goods and supply of services, Section 5(1) - Prima facie case.
This dispute concerns a claim by Ms. Annie McDonagh that she was discriminated against, by the respondent, contrary to the Equal Status Act 2000, on the grounds that she is a member of the Traveller community when she was refused service on the respondent's premises on 20 July, 2001. The respondent denies that the complainant was discriminated against and states that confusion arose because the complainant was seated in a section of the bar which was reserved for groups who lunch in the premises and it was for this reason that service was not provided.