INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACTS, 1946 TO 2001 SECTION 26(1), INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT, 1990 PARTIES : AN POST - AND - CWU DIVISION : Chairman: Mr Duffy Employer Member: Mr Doherty Worker Member: Mr O'Neill |
1. Arrangements For Delivery Of Mails Backlog Resulting From Dispute
2. A Labour Court hearing took place on the 7th of April, 2004.
The recommendation is as follows:
Having considered the submissions of the parties the Court is of the view that exceptional temporary arrangements should be agreed to specifically cover the situation giving rise to this dispute. The Court recommends that the parties should enter into such an agreement in the terms set out hereunder.
Proposed Agreement Between An Post and Dublin Postal District Branch CWU on Working Arrangements and Attendance Patterns
for dealing with mail volumes for the period Tuesday 6th April 2004 to Friday 23rd April 20041. Background
1.1The work arrangements and the associated terms and conditions set out in this agreement are designed to meet the specific operational requirements in the Dublin Area Office catchment area. These special arrangements are necessary because of the backlog of international mail and the delayed posting of domestic mail coupled with the normal mail volumes that will be in the system when full restoration of the postal service is achieved.
1.2The arrangements set out in this agreement will remain in place up to Friday 23rd April 2004, at which time it is expected that all of the backlog will be cleared. Every effort will be made by the parties to clear the backlog within a shorter timeframe and if this is achieved the arrangements set out in this agreement will cease.
1.3The conditions and arrangements set out below require maximum co-operation and flexibility from all management and staff for the period of this agreement in order to ensure that the full restoration of the postal service can be achieved for our customers in the most cost effective way and the shortest possible timeframe.
2. General Terms and Conditions
2.1The work arrangements and attendance patterns are based on a combination of normal attendance schedules, extra hours attendances, flexibility in covering all work and the employment of casual staff.
2.2Extra duty hours will be scheduled.
2.3Extra duty hours will be scheduled in accordance with the provision of the Working Time Act (OWT).
2.4Extra duty hours will be scheduled on a “Take Up” basis only. Pooling or Banking of extra hours will not be permitted.
2.5Full co-operation of management and staff will be required to ensure that all mail will be processed and delivered each day in the most cost effective manner possible. Any decision to cease primary sorting will be at the discretion of the Area Manger.
3. Absence Cover arrangements
3.1Absences will be covered in accordance with existing agreements
3.2Every effort will be made by management and staff to ensure that all absence on delivery routes are covered on a daily basis.
3.3In circumstances where absence occurs on delivery routes, the parties agree that every effort will be made to cover this absence from within the complement of available staff on duty including the assignment of casual staff to the vacancy.
3.4The parties acknowledge that future arrangements for the provision of absence cover is a matter which is to be dealt with in the substantive negotiations. This provision is strictly without prejudice to the position of either party in that respect.
4. Working Arrangements Indoor
4.150% of the staff rostered for the night term will be scheduled for extra hours from 8pm to 11pm or 9pm to 12 pm (Monday to Thursday) which ever is appropriate to the particular arrangements of the Delivery Services Units.
4.2The extra hours arrangements currently in place (Tuesday to Friday) to assist with primary sorting will continue to be scheduled subject to the conditions set out in 2.4 above.
5. Working Arrangements Delivery
5.1Delivery staff will be scheduled for 1.75 hours extra duty on delivery where appropriate.
5.2Staff rostered for routes assisted by casual staff will be scheduled for 0.75 hours extra duty where appropriate.
5.3Auxiliary staff will be upgraded to full-time hours for the duration of this agreement.
5.4Casual staff will be deployed on the basis of 1 (one) casual to assist 3 (three) delivery routes.
6. Saturday Attendance
6.1The current staffing levels in place in each Delivery Services Unit will be increased by 25% subject to the conditions set out at 2.4 above.
6.2The working arrangements for and attendance schedules for Saturday working will be at the direction of the manager.
7. Good Friday Arrangements.
7.1The standard working arrangements for Good Friday will apply.
8. Casuals
8.1Up to 200 (two hundred) casual staff will be employed for the duration of this agreement (if there is work available) subject to the terms and conditions associated with the employment of casual staff.
8.2Casual staff will be deployed at the direction of management and all other employees will co-operate fully with the working arrangements assigned to casual staff.
9. Status of this Agreement
The terms and conditions, working arrangements set out in this agreement and any necessary changes to current work and service practices are for the specific purposes as described at paragraph 1 (one) above. The parties to this agreement agree that nothing outlined in this agreement can or will be used by either party as precedent for any future agreements or circumstances of a similar nature.
Signed on behalf of the Labour Court
Kevin Duffy
7th April, 2004______________________
Enquiries concerning this Recommendation should be addressed to Madelon Geoghegan, Court Secretary.