William Reilly
(Represented by Oliver Roche & Co. Solicitors)
Vesey Arms and Sarsfield Keep, Dublin
(Represented by Eugene F Collins Solicitors)
Mr. Reilly referred a claim to the Director of Equality Investigations under the Equal Status Act 2000. In accordance with her powers under section 75 of the Employment Equality Act, the Director then delegated the case to me, Bernadette Treanor, an Equality Officer, for investigation, hearing and decision and for the exercise of other relevant functions of the Director under Part III of the Equal Status Act.
Conclusions of the Equality Officer
The hearing of this case was scheduled to take place on Friday 22nd September 2006. The complainant failed to appear and has therefore failed to support his allegation of discrimination against the respondent. I find that he has failed to establish a prima facie case of discrimination on the Traveller ground.
Decision DEC-S2006-089
As the complainant has failed to establish a prima facie case of discrimination this decision is in favour of the respondent.
Bernadette Treanor
Equality Officer
11th December 2006