SUBJECT: 1.Appeal of Adjudication Officer Decision No. CA-00031134-001. A Labour Court hearing took place in a virtual setting on the 18 December 2020 and 1 February 2020.
The fact that the Employer did not share this information gave rise to a grievance for the Worker in this case, (and, potentially, for her other colleagues), that is understandable from her perspective as a long serving member of staff. The Court recommends that the Employer either engage with the Union as the representative of its employees or provides the necessary information to its employees directly in any future situation that could, potentially, give rise to this type of understandable misapprehension regarding its actions. The Court wishes to emphasise that skills and/or performance assessments are for use only when relevant. Only the two workers in the relevant area were considered by the Employer for the enhanced roles. References to skills, in the course of the hearing in response to questions from the Court, were a cause of apparent surprise and concern to the Worker and were, in any event, by reference to the arguments made in support of the case for the Employer, irrelevant to the matter under consideration. The references to skills were not always factually accurate and the Court notes that the Worker concerned holds a qualification on which some emphasis was placed by the Employer. It is unfortunate that the Employer did not appear to be aware of this. While the Court can sympathise with the Worker’s perspective, it is the case that the roles of two colleagues were enhanced so that, together with a member of the management team, they covered work that needed to be done in the area and there was not a promotion post available for which the Worker could be considered. Therefore, it would not be appropriate for the Court to recommend that compensation be paid to the Worker concerned. The Adjudication Officer's Recommendation is upheld.