SUBJECT: 1.Appeal Of Adjudication Officer Decision No. ADJ-00022792 CA-00029520-001 BACKGROUND: DETERMINATION: In line with the normal practice of the Court, the parties are referred to in this Determination as they were at first instance. Hence, Ms Laiermanova is referred to as the Complainant and Troika (UK) Restaurants Limited, The Ivy is referred to as the Respondent Background The Complainant joined the Respondent as a Head Waiter on the 9thJuly 2018 and was employed by the Respondent until the 22ndMarch 2019 when she was dismissed. The Complainant has less than one years’ service and submits that she was dismissed because of her Trade Union membership and /or activities and / or because she had made a protected disclosure. The Respondent denies that the dismissal was in any way related to her Trade Union membership and /or activities or that she made a protected disclosure. The Respondent submits that the protected disclosure complaint was submitted outside of the prescribed time limits and therefore the Court does not have jurisdiction the hear that complaint. The Complainant lodged her unfair dismissal complaint with the WRC on 8thJuly 2019. By letter of 11thFebruary 2020, to the WRC she sought to add a complaint of protected disclosure to the original complaint. The cognisable period for a claim of protected disclosure as provided for by that Act in this case is 12thAugust 2019 to 11thFebruary 2020. The Adjudication Officer held that the Complainant had not established reasonable cause and therefore the complaint was out of time. By agreement with the parties the protected disclosure issue was dealt with as a preliminary issue by the Court. This complaint was run in tandem with case UDD228 as there was an overlap in terms of witness’s evidence and the case law being relied on. This was agreed with the parties at the commencement of the hearing. Preliminary issues Ms Mc Veigh BL for the Complainant submitted that the Complainant accepted that this element of her complaint to the WRC was made outside of the time limits but that there was reasonable cause for the delay and therefore the complaint should be accepted. It was her submission that at the time the Complainant submitted her complaint she was not legally represented although she did accept that the Complainant had Trade Union Representation at the time. Ms Mc Veigh submitted that she was relying on the test set out in the Labour Court Determination DWT0338CementationSkanska (Formerly Kvaerner Cementation) v Carroll. Mr West on behalf of the Respondent submitted that no reasonable cause for the delay had been put forward. The Complainant had Trade Union representation but even if she had not that would not in and of itself meet the test for reasonable delay set out in theCementationSkanskacase.Having heard both parties on the issue the Court took a break to consider the time limits issue. Conclusions of the Court on the Preliminary Matters The issue arising in this appeal is whether reasonable cause has been shown for an extension of time for the making of a complaint to the WRC. The established test for deciding if an extension should be granted for reasonable cause is that formulated by this Court in Labour Court Determination DWT0338CementationSkanska (Formerly Kvaerner Cementation) v Carroll. Here the test was set out in the following terms: - It is the Court's view that in considering if reasonable cause exists, it is for the claimant to show that there are reasons which both explain the delay and afford an excuse for the delay. The explanation must be reasonable, that is to say it must make sense, be agreeable to reason and not be irrational or absurd. In the context in which the expression reasonable cause appears in the statute it suggests an objective standard, but it must be applied to the facts and circumstances known to the claimant at the material time. The claimant’s failure to present the claim within the six-month time limit must have been due to the reasonable cause relied upon. Hence there must be a causal link between the circumstances cited and the delay and the claimant should satisfy the Court, as a matter of probability, that had those circumstances not been present he would have initiated the claim in time. The test formulated inCementationSkanska (Formerly Kvaerner Cementation) v Carrolldraws heavily on the decision of the High Court inDonal O’Donnell and Catherine O’Donnell v Dun Laoghaire Corporation[1991] ILRM 30. Here Costello J. (as he then was) stated as follows: -The phrase ‘good reasons’ is one of wide import which it would be futile to attempt to define precisely. However, in considering whether or not there are good reasons for extending the time I think it is clear that the test must be an objective one and the court should not extend the time merely because an aggrieved plaintiff believed that he or she was justified in delaying the institution of proceedings. What the plaintiff has to show (and I think the onus under O. 84 r. 21 is on the plaintiff) is that there are reasons which both explain the delay and afford a justifiable excuse for the delay. It clear from the authorities that the test places the onus on the applicant for an extension of time to identify the reason for the delay and to establish that the reason relied upon provides a justifiable excuse for the actual delay. Secondly, the onus is on the applicant to establish a causal connection between the reason proffered for the delay and his or her failure to present the complaint in time. Thirdly, the Court must be satisfied, as a matter of probability, that the complaint would have been presented in time were it not for the intervention of the factors relied upon as constituting reasonable cause. It is the actual delay that must be explained and justified. Hence, if the factors relied upon to explain the delay cease to operate before the complaint was presented, that may undermine a claim that those factors were the actual cause of the delay. Finally, while the established test imposes a relatively low threshold of reasonableness on an applicant, there is some limitation on the range of issues which can be taken into account. In particular, as was pointed out by Costello J in the passage quoted above, a Court should not extend a statutory time limit merely because the applicant subjectively believed that he or she was justified in delaying the institution of proceedings. The Court is satisfied that in this case the Complainant’s complaint was presented to the WRC outside of the statutory time limit. The Complainant’s last date on site was 22ndMarch 2019. The Court is satisfied that, if there was a contravention of the Act, that date is the last date when such a contravention took place. As the Complainant’s claim was not presented to the Workplace Relations Commission until 11thFebruary 2020, it was outside of the statutory time limit. The Court finds that the reason proffered by the Complainant that she did not have legal representation does not explain the delay, nor does it afford an excuse for the delay and therefore the issue is not properly before the Court. Having concluded that the Protected Disclosures element of the case was out of time the Court then set out for the parties how it intended to proceed. Normally in an unfair dismissal case the burden of proof lies with the employer to show that the dismissal was not unfair. However, in this case in order for the Complainant to have the benefit of the Act she has to establish that her dismissal was wholly or mainly attributed to her Trade Union membership and or activities. The Court indicated to the parties that it proposed to proceed to hear submissions first, then the evidence and finally legal argument and closing statements with the Complainant going first. The parties indicated their agreement to proceeding on that basis. Summary of Complainant’s submission and evidence Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that the Complainant in this case commenced working with the Respondent following an informal interview with Ms Angela Harrow Assistant General Manager with the Respondent. The Complainant had worked with Ms Harrow prior to moving to the Respondent and Ms Harrow had invited her to apply for the job with the Respondent. At that time the Complainant had 17 years’ experience in the hospitality industry with a significant portion of that time working in high end restaurants. Mr Jamie Belton General Manager of the Respondent’s Dublin restaurant also worked with the Complainant in her previous employment. They had worked together for approximately four years and had a good working relationship. At the interview for a position with the Respondent Ms Harrow informed the Complainant that her hourly rate would be €12 and that she would retain 80 per cent of all tips with the other 20 per cent going to back of house staff. The Complainant signed a contract two days later on the 24thof May 2018. From the 9thJuly 2018 to 23rdJuly 2018 there was a two-week training period for all staff and then the restaurant opened on the 24thJuly 2018. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that the Complainant would give evidence in respect of issues with her pay and her tips, raising these issues with Mr Belton, and the issues not getting resolved. The Complainant will according to Ms Mc Veigh BL, also give evidence in respect of media interest in the tip issue and the fact that she raised it with a politician which led to her being introduced to Mr Brendan Ogle from Unite Trade Union. Following the meeting with Mr Ogle the Complainant joined the Union and organised other workers in the Respondents employment to join the Union. The Complainant’s evidence will be that Mr Belton’s attitude towards her changed after she joined the Union in January 2019. The Complainant will also give evidence in respect of the incidence on the 1stMarch 2019 and her ultimate dismissal. The Complainant in her evidence to the Court stated that Ms Harrow contacted her about going to work with the Respondent. They met for an informal interview and Ms Harrow informed her that the position would be a head waiter position on €12 per hour plus tips with 20 per cent of her tips being held back for back-room staff. The Complainant stated that in the job she was in at that point in time 35 per cent of tips went to backroom staff so the Respondent’s offer was attractive. The Complainant confirmed that she signed the contract on the 4thJune 2018 it was an online contract, and she never got a hard copy of it. The contract did not mention tips but confirmed that her hourly rate was €12. The Complainant confirmed that there was a two-week training period. It was her evidence that on the last day of training the staff were called downstairs in the restaurant by Mr Belton and told that there was a change in the credit card procedure and that they would only be getting 40 per cent of credit card tips. They were not told where the other 60 per cent of the tips were going. The Complainant raised the issue with Mr Belton about the tips and he said the instruction had come from the U.K and that he would try and sort it. The Complainant received her first payslip on the 5thAugust 2018. The payslip showed her earnings divided into basic and “tronc”. It was her evidence that her basic wage was not the €12 euro set out in her contract but was actually the minimum wage. At the time she did not know what tronc was. The Complainant spoke to Mr Belton about it, he advised that tronc was the balance between the minimum wage and her contract rate and that it came out of the service charge. Mr Belton told her that the tips would be sorted in the next pay packet. Having worked with Mr Belton before the Complainant took him at his word. At this point staff started to leave. The Complainant stated that when she got her second pay slip on the 2ndSeptember 2018 there were four categories on the payslip. Basic which was minimum wage, tronc which brought her hourly rate up to her contractual rate, bonus which was supposed to be six weeks tips but was nowhere near what she had earned in tips during that period and Sunday premium. The Complainant stated that she contacted Mr Belton the next day enquiring why the tips issue had not been resolved, he stated that the issue was with the U.K. and that he was trying to resolve it. At that stage early October 2018, staff were annoyed that this issue had not been resolved. The bar staff who were part of the back-room staff informed her that they were not getting any of the tips. Sixteen staff signed a letter which was given to Mr Belton setting out that they wanted to be guaranteed that they would receive 50 per cent of service charge and that it would be applied to their pay checks. They also requested that they be informed each month where the remainder of the card tips went and that their pay frequency be changed from monthly to fortnightly. Following on from the letter it was agreed that their pay frequency would be changed from monthly to fortnightly and it was agreed that they would receive 50 per cent of credit card tips. The Complainant stated that when she received her third pay slip in October 2018 the issue regarding tips had still not been resolved, and staff were leaving because of it. The Complainant stated that she handed in her notice on the 22ndOctober 2018 as she had been earning more in her previous employment. The Complainant informed the Court that she handed the notice to Mr Belton who persuaded her to stay and increased her hourly rate to €14 an hour and promised flexibility around her hours. On the 9thNovember 2018 she again went to Mr Belton and handed in her notice because staff were leaving and not being replaced, and she was working 45 hours per week. Mr Belton offered her the same rate of pay indicated that she only had to work 35 hours giving her an hourly rate of €18. After Christmas in early January 2019, she along with four other members of staff spoke to her local TD about the difficulties they were having in respect of a number of issues including the issue of tips. The TD Ms Joan Collins arranged a meeting for them with Mr Brendan Ogle from Unite Trade Union. Mr Ogle advised that he could help them but that they would have to join the Union and that for the Union to be effective they would need to recruit other workers in the restaurant. It was the Complainant’s evidence to the Court that she joined the Union because she felt she could not resolve the issues they were having on her own and she was not having any success in getting Mr Belton to resolve the issues. The Complainant stated that she did not tell Mr Belton that she had joined the Union, but her colleague Ms Marciniak and herself were actively recruiting other employees in the restaurant and explaining to them what the Union is and why they should join the Union. The Complainant stated that people joined because they wanted to resolve the issues and believed they could get the money that they were owed. There was a lot of media coverage at the time including articles in the papers about the tipping policy in the Dublin restaurant, and customers were asking questions about the tipping policy. In November 2018 Mr Belton put a notice on the door where staff could see it stating that he was disappointed that staff were still asking customers for cash tips and that from the following Monday only Managers could take payments from customers. The note also stated that for the third week in a row the Respondent had to subsidise the tronc as there had been insufficient money accruing from the service charge. This instruction led to delays and customer complaints about having to wait to settle their bills, so Mr Belton changed the policy to allow head waiters take credit card payments as well. The Complainant stated that she was aware that Mr Ogle of Unite was talking to the Respondent and dealing with someone in the UK office in respect of issues they had raised. One of those issues was the fact that they had to change into their uniform in the locker room and there were cameras where they were changing. The rooms where they were originally supposed to change had been converted into storage rooms and had been locked by Mr Belton so they could not access them. The Complainant stated that she was in touch with Mr Ogle at least once a week. It was her evidence that she felt being in the Union was working because issues such as the cameras in the changing area were being addressed. Once Mr Ogle raised that issue it was resolved. After Mr Ogle met with Ms Pretorius the Respondent’s Head of HR from the UK, the Complainant stated that her relationship with Mr Belton changed dramatically. He would not make eye contact with her; her rosters were messed with and when she raised it with the manager, she was advised that Mr Belton had altered her roster. The Complainant stated that she spoke to Mr Belton about it, and he changed her roster back to what it was originally. The Complainant stated that when she asked Mr Belton if the tips issue would be resolved he asked her why she was asking him as she should already know, he mentioned a union petition and walked off. The Complainant stated that on the 1stMarch 2019 she started work at midday and was working the section that had been allocated to her when the duty manager changed her to another section which was the section beside Ms Marciniak. The Complainant stated that she went into the ‘still room’ where dirty dishes and glasses go and loaded the lift to send dishes downstairs to be washed. It was the start of the lunchtime service, and the restaurant was medium busy. When she came out of the ‘still room’ Ms Marciniak was in her section with the credit card machine in her hand and the customer was following behind her. Ms Marciniak could not take payment as she was not a head waiter or a manager. The Complainant stated that she walked over to Ms Marciniak, the customer was very angry as she was on her lunch break and wanted to pay so she could leave. The customer could not understand why Ms Marciniak could not take the payment. The Complainant stated that she as a head waiter took the payment but, because the customer was upset and angry, she did not think it was appropriate to ask the customer if she wanted to tip so she pressed no on the screen that provided the option to tip on the card machine. The Complainant stated that she had seen other staff do this if a customer was not happy so felt it was the right thing to do at that time. The Complainant in her evidence to the Court stated that she had never asked a customer for a cash tip and never would, she stated that it would be embarrassing and is not the thing to do. The Complainant stated that she did not see the customer return, nor did she ever see a written complaint from the customer. Sometime later on the same day, the Complainant was told that she had to go to a meeting with Mr Belton in his office at 3.00pm. When she walked into the office Mr Belton and a member of the administrative staff were present. Mr Belton was standing up and he advised her that he was suspending her pending further investigation. He did not at that point say what he was investigating or why he was suspending her, he just handed her a letter, told her she had to leave the building immediately and that she would be escorted from the building. Another member of staff was tasked with escorting her to the locker room where she changed, and he then escorted her from the building which she found very upsetting. At that point she had no idea what she was supposed to have done wrong. The Complainant stated that she did not get the opportunity to read the letter Mr Belton handed her until she was outside of the building. The Complainant stated that while this was happening, she felt terrible as she did not know what was happening or why. She called her partner to come in and collect her and while she was waiting for her partner, she read the letter that Mr Belton had given her. The letter stated that she was being suspended on full pay to allow an investigation into an allegation that she had refused to allow a customer to make a credit card gratuity payment and that she had requested cash. The letter stated that the allegations appeared to fall within the category of Gross Misconduct, and she was warned not to contact anyone connected with the investigation. Having read the letter the Complainant felt it was just a mix up and that when she explained why she did not afford the customer the opportunity to opt to give a tip that the matter would be cleared up. The Complainant confirmed that as she was being escorted from the building, she made a negative comment about Mr Belton to the person escorting her from the building. At about 5.00pm on the same day the Complainant by email received a letter inviting her to attend a disciplinary hearing on the following Monday the 4thMarch in Café en Seine at 2.30pm. The letter set out four allegations. Denying a guest, the ability to leave a credit card gratuity Bringing the company into disrepute Failing to follow company procedure Embarrassing a guest. The letter went on to state that enclosed with the letter were details of all investigation evidence that would be used during the disciplinary hearing as follows. CCTV footage interaction with the guest 1/3/2019 CCTV footage skipping gratuity request on PDQ machine Statement from three staff members who spoke with the customer after the fact. Statement from Guest TBC. The letter was signed by Mr Belton and stated the Respondent viewed the issues as potential Gross Misconduct. The date of the hearing was changed to facilitate the attendance of her Union Official and the venue was changed to the Union Offices as the Respondent had not booked a room in Café en Seine. The Respondent had intended to hold the disciplinary hearing in the public bar but Mr Ogle Unite had objected to the hearing being held in a public bar. The hearing was chaired by Ms Laura Mills (Bamber) Company Director who was accompanied by a member of the administrative staff Ms Byrne. The Complainant stated that Ms Mills asked her to admit that she had skipped the option to tip on the card machine and asked if it was true that she had made negative comments about Mr Belton when being escorted from the building. The Complainant stated that Ms Mills was not interested in listening to her explanation as to what had happened. It was her understanding that the meeting with Ms Mills was adjourned to facilitate Ms Mills getting witness statements mentioned in the letter inviting her to the disciplinary hearing, and the statement from the guest. The meeting was never reconvened. The next she heard from the Respondent was when she received the letter of dismissal dated 22nd March 2019 signed by Laura Mills which set out the allegations and her response confirming that she had skipped the tip option because she felt the customer was unhappy and that she had made a comment about Mr Belton after she had been suspended and was being escorted from the premises. The letter stated that having given careful consideration to all the issues raised that she (Ms Mills) felt that the Complainant was unable to perform the role to the standard required and that her contract was being terminated on the grounds of unsuitability. The letter went on to state that she would be paid a months’ notice pay and that she could appeal the decision to Ms Sara Conway. The Complainant stated that she submitted an appeal and set out eight grounds for the appeal as follows: “The decision is not merited by the facts of the case as presented by the Ivy None of the statement that the Ivy said they had when I was suspended were produced The hearing was a shambles, was unfair, and was not in line with due process, fair procedures or natural justice. Ms Mills considered, in her written decision, matters that did not make up part of the allegations put to me in my suspension letter. The hearing was not completed Ms Mills adjourned it unfinished and made a decision against this background. The hearing was not carried out in accordance with the law for such hearings in Ireland. The whole event is about targeting me with invented claims because I joined a Trade Union. None of the arguments put forward on my behalf, including protecting the Ivy reputation and her acknowledgement of my honesty at the hearing were considered in mitigation.” By letter of the 23rdApril 2019 the Complainant was advised by Ms Conway that having considered her grounds of appeal, the issues she raised at the appeal and also Mr Belton’s version of events and the CCTV, she believed that Mr Belton’s version of events were supported by the CCTV footage. Ms Conway also stated that she did not believe that Ms Bamber had considered extraneous incidents in her outcome decision and that the hearing had only been adjourned to ensure the requirements of the Statutory Instrument in respect of whether you could interview witnesses in person were being complied with. It was the Respondent’s position that they were, and therefore the decision was issued without the need to reconvene. Ms Conway went on to say that the Complainant’s Trade Union activities were not a factor and that her mitigation points had been found not to alter the outcome but that her points in respect of her honesty were duly noted. The Complainant in response to a question from her representative Ms Mc Veigh BL stated she became aware that Mr Belton had covertly recorded the suspension meeting in his office when Mr Belton sent her a copy of the recording via WhatsApp. The Complainant confirmed that at the time of the meeting Mr Belton had not informed her that he was recording the meeting and that she had not consented to the meeting being recorded. The Complainant confirmed that neither herself not Ms Marciniak would have received the tip in question as the tip goes to the person who served the main course. The Complainant submitted that it did not make sense that either she or Ms Marciniak would have asked for a cash tip. The Complainant confirmed that she had started looking for a job immediately after her dismissal. She started in a new job on the 1stJuly 2019. Her basic pay was €10.20 an hour which increased to €11.50 an hour from 1stSeptember 2019. The Complainant estimated her tips as being €5 an hour. The Complainant confirmed that from June 2020 she was only doing 18.5 hours a week as she was receiving carer’s allowance in respect of a relative. Under cross examination in response to a question from Mr West the Complainant stated that Mr Belton knew she was a Union member as she had previously told him. She also confirmed that there had been a meeting with staff about issues they were unhappy about and that in the restaurant there was a mix of staff some union members and some not. Mr West put it to the Complainant that the first pay cheque she received included payment for two weeks training so there would not have been tips for those two weeks. The Complainant confirmed that was correct but stated there was a soft opening, so a lot of people left sizeable tips and she still believes that she is owed tips. The Complainant accepted that neither the tips nor the service charge were used to bring her hourly rate up to the statutory minimum wage and agreed that people who were not front of house should receive a percentage of tips, service charge and card tips. The Complainant did not accept that she had been told she was guaranteed minimum wage plus top up to hourly rate and stated that was not what her contract stated nor what Ms Harrow had told her at the interview. The Complainant accepted that following the letter signed by 16 staff their pay frequency was changed to fortnightly and that Mr Belton had written the note about staff holding back tips and that he was annoyed that it was happening. The Complainant also accepted that in December Mr Belton had given her a warning about drinking and that was before she had joined Unite the Union. The Complainant accepted that the allocation of staff to different sections of the restaurant was random she also confirmed that she was aware that staff were not to ask customers for cash tips and that anybody who did not follow that instruction could face disciplinary action. In response to clarifications that the Court sought the Complainant stated that Mr Belton had mentioned the Union petition in February and when he mentioned it to her, he had laughed and walked away. The Complainant also confirmed that she had distributed and left Union leaflets in the changing area and when they were folding napkins other members of staff would come to her with queries about the Union. The Complainant confirmed that the letter inviting her to a disciplinary hearing mentioned witnesses, but she did not know who the witnesses were, but she understood that the witness statements were anonymous and were produced by Mr Belton. The Court adjourned at this point, and it was agreed with the parties that the hearing would be reconvened as a remote hearing. The next witness was Mr Brendan Ogle Unite Senior Official who stated that he was contacted by Joan Collins TD, and he agreed to meet in her office in early January with some of the workers from the Respondent’s restaurant in Dublin. The Complainant was one of the people he met. The workers raised issues with him in respect of tips, cameras in the changing area and other issues. Towards the end of January, the workers contacted him and advised that Ms Marciniak and the Complainant would be the Union representatives in the restaurant. Mr Ogle stated that Unite Trade Union had started taking employees of the Respondent into membership and he estimated that there were about 20/21 members. Following discussions with the representatives he decided that the strategy would be to engage formally with the Respondent about the issues they had. Mr Ogle stated that he made contact with the Respondent’s head office in the UK and received a reply from Ms Pretorius head of HR on the 4th ofFebruary 2019 offering a meeting in Dublin and suggesting an initial phone call. There was some toing and froing of emails and then they had a short phone call, and the meeting was set for 19thFebruary 2019 in Unite Offices in Dublin. In the intervening period the representatives were advising him that some of the issues they were having in the workplace were getting worse. Mr Ogle stated that he considered the offer of a call and a meeting with Ms Pretorius a positive development. He asked Ms Pretorius if the Respondent was open to a collective relationship with a Union and she stated that they were a people focused organisation. The meeting with Ms Pretorius was held in the Unite office. He raised the issue with her of the camera in the changing area which was linked to Mr Belton’s office and the fact that staff were very concerned about this. Ms Pretorius said she was not aware that there was a camera in the changing area and was deeply concerned about it. Ms Pretorius stated that she would rectify it which she subsequently did. Mr Ogle stated that he outlined the issues around the tips, but Ms Pretorius was non-committal on that issue she outlined the various practices in respect of tipping that operated in the UK. Mr Ogle stated that he walked Ms Pretorius from Unites office to the door of the Respondent’s restaurant, they shook hands and said they would speak again. That afternoon Mr Ogle received a phone call from Ms Marciniak stating that Mr Belton had been called to a meeting with Ms Pretorius and the camera issue had been resolved. Mr Ogle stated that he was aware that both the Complainant and Ms Marciniak were handing out Union flyers in their workplace. On the 27thFebruary 2019 he had drafted a notice to Unite members in the Respondent’s restaurant in Dublin which they were distributing to members advising of the meeting with Ms Pretorius and acknowledging the issues that members had raised with the Union at that point. By the 27thFebruary 2019 he had not had any further contact from Ms Pretorius so he sent an email and requested a response by 5th March 2019 as to whether or not the Respondent would engage with the Union on behalf of its members. Mr Ogle stated that on the afternoon of Friday of the 1stMarch 2019 he noticed a number of missed calls from Ms Marciniak, there was a voice mail message stating that herself and the Complainant had been suspended and that a disciplinary hearing was set for the following Monday. At 16.52 on the same day, he received an email response from Ms Pretorius to his email of the 27thFebruary 2019, stating that the Respondent had no plans to enter into a collective agreement with Unite and that employees could contact Ms Pretorius directly. Mr Ogle stated that he was surprised to receive that response as he felt they had been making progress. In respect of the disciplinary process Mr Ogle stated that the Respondent originally intended to hold it in a public bar, but he offered the use of a room in Unite’s offices. The Respondent sought to rely on anonymous statements from three members of staff and an alleged complaint from a customer which was never produced. Mr Ogle sought a copy of the customer’s statement and an opportunity to challenge the witnesses. The meeting was adjourned to allow the Respondent to consider these requests. However, the meeting was never reconvened. The Respondent just issued the outcome of the process by letter of 22ndMarch 2019, which was to dismiss the Complainant. Mr Ogle stated that he had a number of concerns in respect of the procedure, in particular the fact that they had witness statements which were unsigned and undated, there was no letter of complaint from the customer, and they were including a statement from a member of staff in respect of comments made by the Complainant after her suspension which were outside of the process but formed part of the disciplinary meeting and formed part of the decision to dismiss. An appeal meeting was held which he attended with the Complainant. While the Respondent apologised for the fact that Mr Belton had covertly recorded the investigation meeting and confirmed that this was not in accordance with their policy, the decision to dismiss was upheld. Mr Ogle confirmed that he had seen the CCTV being relied on by the Respondent and that he could see nothing on the CCTV that pointed to wrongdoing he also confirmed that the CCTV did not have sound. In response to questions from Mr West on behalf of the Respondent Mr Ogle stated that he believed the engagement with Ms Pretorius prior to the 1stMarch 2019 was positive. Mr Ogle confirmed that the Complainant and Ms Marciniak were the local union representatives in the Respondent’s restaurant, as opposed to shop stewards as at the time Unite did not have sufficient numbers in that employment to form a stand-alone branch. He confirmed that when he met Ms Pretorius, he did not involve the two representatives in that meeting. In respect of the documents that the Respondent was seeking to rely on such as the anonymous statements he was trying to ensure that the correct procedure was followed in line with SI 146 of 2000 Code of Practice on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures. Mr Ogle stated he had concerns about the process but had engaged with the Respondent and had even provided an office where the disciplinary meeting could be carried out. In response to a question from the Court Mr Ogle confirmed that a statement from the customer was never produced during any stage of the process. Ms Marciniak in her evidence to the Court confirmed that herself and Ms Laeirmanova were the Unite representatives in the restaurant and that they had recruited about twenty people into the Union. Ms Mc Veigh BL on behalf of the Complainant submitted that the evidence shows that there was no valid reason to dismiss the Complainant and that she was dismissed because of her Trade Union membership and activities. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that Section 14 of the 1993 Amendment Act provides that section 2 of the Act does not apply if the dismissal resulted “wholly or mainly from the Employees trade union membership or activity”. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that they are two separate tests. The wholly test would de facto require the employer to admit that they had dismissed for reasons relating to Trade Union activity. The mainly test must allow for another reason which was the activating reason. It is her submission that this can only be a light burden of proof on the Complainant. Ms Mc Veigh BL opened the case of Dahouv Serco Ltd[2016] EWCA CIv 832which approved the approach adopted inKuzel v Roche Products Ltd[2008] IRLR 530 which held “that when an employee positively asserts that there was a different and inadmissible reason for his dismissal , he must produce some evidence supporting the positive case , such as making a protected disclosure. This does not mean however, that in order to succeed in an unfair dismissal claim, the employee has to discharge the burden of proving that the dismissal was for a different reason. It is sufficient for the employee to challenge the evidence produced by the employer to show the reason advanced by him for dismissal and to produce some evidence of a different reason.” Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that the first steps the Court must take is to identify the Respondent’s reason for dismissal as set out inAbernethy v Mott Hay & Anderson[1974] ICR 323 as follows; “A reason for the dismissal of an employee is a set of facts known to the employer, or it may be a set of beliefs held by him, which cause him to dismiss the employee”. In a case where the employee puts forward an alternative reason for the dismissal, the Court then has to establish thetruereason for dismissal. In the case ofASLEF v Brady[2006] IRLR 576 the Court held “ifthe employee puts this reason in issue by adducing evidence which casts doubt upon the alleged reason, the burden lies on the employer to satisfy the tribunal that the reason it relied upon was indeed the true reason.”The Court went on to say “[Even a potentially fair reason may be the pretext for a dismissal for other reasons. To take an obvious example, if the employer makes the misconduct an excuse to dismiss an employee in circumstances where he would not have treated others in a similar way, then in our view the reason for dismissal- the operative cause- will not be the misconduct at all. On this analysis, that is not what has brought about the dismissal. The reason why the employer then dismisses is not the misconduct itself. Even if that in fact merited dismissal, if the employee is treated differently to the way others would have been treated, being dismissed when they would not have been, then in our judgment a tribunal would be fully entitled to conclude that the misconduct is not the true reason or cause of the dismissal. The true reason is antipathy which the employer displays toward the employee”. In the case ofJohn Clarke v CGI Food Services Limited and CGI Holding Limited[2021] 32 E.L.R.25 Humphrey’s J. held “Decision- makers have to look beyond the mere face value of either side’s arguments in a dismissal dispute given the ease in which a position can be contrived and manipulated Royal mail Group Ltd v Jhuti [2019] UKSC 55 considered.” At paragraph 20 of that judgment Humphreys J states “the evidence here establishes substantial grounds for contending that the performance issues were an attempt, as put in the submission by the employee “to dress up the dismissal as a performance- related dismissal” As put by Lord Wilson in Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti [2019] UKSC 55 at para.60 “If a person in the hierarchy of responsibility above the employee……determines that, for reason A (here the making of a protected disclosure), the employee should be dismissed but that reason A should be hidden behind an invented reason B which the decision-maker adopts (here inadequate performance), it is the Court’s duty to penetrate through the invention rather than to allow it also to infect its own determination” Ms Mc Veigh BL relying on the caselaw set out above, submitted that one of the questions that arises for the Court to consider is whether another worker would be penalised or dismissed for the same reason. The uncontested evidence of the Complainant was that other staff skipped the screen on occasion and were not dismissed. Mr Belton gave evidence (set out below in this decision) that from November some employees were not compliant with the instruction he had issues about not asking for cash tips, but they were not investigated. Mr Belton in his evidence (set out below) confirmed that he had access to open table booking system but did not pursue those members of staff who were keeping cash tips. The Respondent in this case made misconduct the issue in terms of the Complainant not following the Respondent’s procedures but did not apply the same to other employees who they were aware were not following the Respondent’s procedures. Therefore, it is submitted that not following the Respondent’s procedures cannot be the operative reason for the dismissal. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that the Complainant was the highest paid head waiter, but something changed after the end of January 2019. The Complainant stated that things changed after Ms Pretorius met with Mr Ogle. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that Mr Belton’s evidence around not knowing that Ms Pretorius had met with Mr Ogle is not credible. Mr Belton’s evidence was that on the 1st of March when he suspended the Complainant, he knew nothing about Unite the Union, yet one of the unsigned statements that he sought to rely on and was identified in the letter inviting the Complainant to a disciplinary hearing was from a member of staff complaining about being asked on a number of occasions during her working hours to join the Union. That individual in their witness statement made no reference to the incident on the 1st March 2019 yet Mr Belton as the person investigating the incident considered it to be relevant to the disciplinary process. It has been accepted by the Respondent’s witnesses that the handbook was not followed, that the meeting should not have been covertly recorded by Mr Belton and that there were multiple issues with the process including relying on extraneous information. Despite this the Complainant was still dismissed and the fact of all the problems with the process was not recorded in the decision of Ms Mills who made the decision to dismiss. Ms Conway the Respondent’s Head of People, confirmed in her evidence that she interviewed Mr Belton, but she did not tell the Complainant that she had done so, nor did she record it in her decision. Ms Conway confirmed that the Complainant was not dismissed for asking for a cash tip but did not record that in her decision. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that neither Ms Mills or Ms Conway looked beyond the decision to discipline, they took Mr Belton’s statement at face value. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that the main reason for the dismissal was Trade Union activity. The reason put forward by Mr Belton was bogus and an invented reason and he has confirmed that in his evidence to the Court. In the case to hand Mr Belton carried out the investigation against a background of the correspondence from Mr Ogle to Ms Pretorius. The email of 1stMarch from Ms Pretorius to Mr Ogle on the day the Complainant was escorted from the building supports the contention that the Trade Union activity was a triggering reason. There was a complete absence of fair procedure and that was before it came to light that the facts put forward by Mr Belton were incorrect. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that therefore, there must be another reason why the Complainant was dismissed. As Manager of the restaurant, it was easy for Mr Belton to know who the union reps were, and it is incredulous that he states that he did not. Ms Mc Veigh BL submitted that on the 1stMarch 2019 the Complainant was suspended and then ultimately dismissed because of her Trade Union activities. Summary of Respondents submissions and evidence Mr West on behalf of the Respondent submitted that the Complainant was not dismissed for reasons relating to her Trade Union membership or activities. The reason for dismissal are the facts known to the dismissing officer which caused her to decide to dismiss. The dismissal arose from an incident on the 1stMarch 2019. A guest at the restaurant had wished to leave a tip and was denied the opportunity to do so by the Complainant. The Complainant’s explanation was that she had not followed company procedure as she had skipped the screen which allowed a gratuity to be added to the payment of a credit card bill because the guest was annoyed. This had come to management’s attention when the guest had returned with a cash gratuity and explained that she had been told by the Complainant and another staff member that gratuities could only be accepted in cash. The Complainant was required to attend a disciplinary hearing, where the decision was made to dismiss her and the reasons for dismissal were set out in the letter of dismissal. An appeal of that decision was lodged, and an appeal hearing took place on the 16th ofApril 2019. By letter of the 23rdApril 2019 the Complainant was advised that the decision to dismiss was upheld. The first witness for the Respondent was Mr Jamie Belton General Manager of the Respondent’s Dublin restaurant. Mr Belton in his sworn evidence stated that the written statement of evidence that he had submitted was a true and accurate reflection of his evidence to the Court. A summary of that evidence is as follows. Mr Belton set out his understanding of how the gratuity system worked and his belief that the gratuities were used to provide a guaranteed commission to all hourly paid staff. He was aware that there was a level of unhappiness amongst staff and that some tweaks were made to the system. It is Mr Belton’s belief that cash tips can be sporadic, so the commission system was more reliable and also provided commission for back of house hourly paid staff. Mr Belton’s evidence was that he was made aware by colleagues of a problem which had arisen regarding a customer who wished to leave a tip by credit card when she paid the bill. It appeared that the waitress may have advised that tips could not be left by credit card and only cash tips were permitted. The Respondent became aware of this when the customer returned with cash. An investigation including looking at CCTV stills showed that two staff members were involved. Mr Belton’s statement goes on to state that he took advice from their HR advisors indicating that this appeared to be a means of getting cash from the customer as opposed to it being a gratuity through the credit card. Mr Belton stated that he was advised to suspend the staff involved and that he was given advice on a letter to issue to each of the staff members. Mr Belton stated that he gathered copies of all documentation and passed this information on to Ms Laura Mills (previously Bamber) who conducted the disciplinary hearing. In response to questions from Ms Mc Veigh BL under cross examination Mr Belton stated there was a formula to decide what percentage of credit card tips would go to commission there was no splitting of tips, at the time the restaurant opened there was some confusion about how this would work. He stated that hourly paid staff are paid the minimum wage then the commission is used to bring their wages up to their hourly contract rate. If there are not sufficient tips to do that then the Respondent meets the shortfall, so everyone is guaranteed their contractual rate. Mr Belton accepted that this was not set out in the contract and that the Manager who had hired staff may not have made that clear at the point of recruitment or signing of contracts. Mr Belton stated that this top up was not called tronc in the Dublin restaurant although he accepted that he used that term in a memo he had put up and that the term was used on the payslips. Mr Belton stated that he was not sure what the difference between tronc and commission was. Mr Belton confirmed that he had put up the unsigned and undated memo stating that only managers could take card payments and that the reason he had done that was because he was annoyed that some staff were retaining cash tips which meant the Respondent had to meet shortfalls in the commission to bring employees’ wages up to their contractual rate. He accepted that shortly after he put the memo up, he had to change the policy to allow head waiters take payment as there were complaints from customers about delays when they went to pay their bill. Mr Belton accepted that staff were complaining about not getting their tips and that some staff left. He was unsure as to the number of staff that left. Mr Belton confirmed that he raised the Complainants wages twice because she wanted to leave as she was not happy with the fact the issue around tips had not been resolved. He stated that she was the highest paid head waiter at that point. It was Mr Belton’s evidence that things changed between himself and the Complainant after he gave her a first written warning in respect of an unrelated issue at the end of December and he felt he should distance himself from her. Mr Belton denied that he had interfered with the Complainant’s roster and could not explain why a manager would say that the rosters had been changed at his direction. In respect of the incident on the 1st March 2019, Mr Belton stated that he rang the customer and she went through what had happened and she was annoyed with the company. It was put to Mr Belton that in his statement he had stated that he had witnessed the incident and that the customer had come back to the restaurant to give a tip. Mr Belton accepted that was the evidence he had given. However, he went on to say that in fact what had actually happened was that a colleague of the customer had come back to the restaurant with a tip and not the customer. He had not spoken to that person. He had looked up the customers details on open table and that he had rang her. Mr Belton accepted that his evidence now was that he did not witness the incident and that neither the waitress nor head waiter had requested a cash tip from the customer. He also accepted that the customer had told him that she did not want to make a complaint in writing. Mr Belton confirmed that he did not keep a contemporaneous note of the telephone conversation with the customer. Mr Belton confirmed that he looked at the CCTV footage after he had rung HR for advice. Mr Belton confirmed that the Complainant was not advised that she could bring someone to the meeting or the purpose of the meeting. He also confirmed that he did not give any consideration to what the Complainant might say and did not ask her for her version of events prior to making the decision to suspend her or to progress the incident to a disciplinary hearing. Mr Belton confirmed that he had issued an invitation to the disciplinary hearing prior to completing his investigation and on the same day as he suspended the Complainant. Mr Belton accepted that he covertly recorded the suspension meeting he held with the Complainant. Mr Belton confirmed that he had not drawn up terms of reference for his investigation nor had he asked the Complainant for her version of events at any stage and that he had not drawn up an investigation report. Mr Belton stated that he had not looked at the disciplinary process contained in the Respondent’s handbook, and he could not remember if he considered dealing with the issue through an informal process as provided for in the staff handbook. Mr Belton confirmed that he had not followed the process set out in the Respondent’s handbook and that he had decided to hold the disciplinary hearing in a public bar in a nearby venue. In response to a query from the Court Mr Belton confirmed that even though he was aware that some staff were retaining cash tips and that he could have identified those staff, he had not taken any action against those staff. When asked why he treated the Complainant differently to the way he treated those other staff he stated that he had enough, and that the Complainant was more vocal than other staff about the issue of tips. Mr Belton stated that he did not dismiss other staff as he did not witness the incidents. Mr Belton stated he felt that the press and people on the street were thinking that he was keeping the tips and he had enough. In response to a question under re-examination from his representative Mr West, Mr Belton stated that managers had nothing to do with the tips and did not receive tips. Ms Laura Mills in her evidence to the Court stated that she is a Company Director for the Respondent, and her responsibilities include the Respondent’s restaurant in Dublin. Ms Mills in her evidence to the Court stated that she was the decision maker in terms of the decision to dismiss the Complainant. Ms Mills confirmed that she did not know the Complainant prior to the disciplinary hearing. She stated that she was provided with the letter that had been sent to the Complainant inviting her to attend the disciplinary hearing and the screenshots taken from the CCTV. Ms Mills also confirmed that she spoke to Mr Belton who informed her that the client wished to leave a tip but had not been allowed to do so by credit card and that the customer had subsequently returned with cash and that it was that return that had instigated inquires as to why a gratuity had not been collected on the credit card. Ms Mills stated that it struck her by not collecting the gratuity by credit card but then collecting cash that this might circumnavigate company procedures whereby tips are pooled and distributed as commission. Ms Mill stated that the disciplinary hearing took place on the 12thMarch 2019 she accepted that holding the hearing in a public bar was not appropriate but noted that it was moved at the Union’s request to the Unions office. Ms Mills stated that the Complainant accepted that she had skipped the screen on the card machine that invited the customer to give a tip. Ms Mills state that she did not believe that the reason given by the Complainant justified the action taken and her belief was reinforced by the fact that the customer had returned with a cash tip. Ms Mills stated she also considered the fact that the Complainant had made what she believed to be disparaging remarks about her manager Mr Belton. Ms Mills stated that having received an account of the events from Mr Belton she had no doubt that this was not a fabricated event as it was supported by stills from the CCTV. Ms Mills stated the fact that the Complainant was a Trade Union member was not a factor in her decision to dismiss. She wrote to the Complainant advising of her decision and her right to appeal and had no further involvement in the case. In response to questions from Ms Mc Veigh BL Ms Mills confirmed that she had seen the letter inviting the Complainant to a disciplinary hearing but that she had no role in drafting same, she could not recall when she first saw the letter. Ms Mills stated that she knew on the 1stMarch 2019 that the Complainant was suspended she was not sure how she knew but she thought that Mr Belton rang her and told her, but she was not sure what exactly he told her. Ms Mills confirmed that she did not see the letter of suspension on the day it was issued. Ms Mills confirmed that she knew that Ms Pretorius had a meeting with Mr Ogle from Unite she could not recall if she had mentioned the meeting to Mr Belton but accepted that Ms Pretorius would have told Mr Belton what the outcome of the meeting was if it concerned his staff. Ms Mills initially stated that she had decided on Café en Seine as a venue but changed her statement to that she had agreed with Mr Belton’s choice of venue. Ms Mills stated that the allegations were what Mr Belton said they should be and were the same as the allegations in the suspension letter. Ms Mc Veigh BL for the Complainant put it to Ms Mills that there were two allegations in the suspension letter but there were four allegations in the disciplinary letter and both letters were written by Mr Belton within a short time of each other and on the same day. Ms Mills stated that she could not recall if she had agreed the four allegations and stated that she was not aware that the Complainant had been escorted off the premises. It was Ms Mills evidence that she could not remember if she had discussed the Union request for recognition with Mr Belton prior to the 1stMarch 2019. However, she felt it was likely that she did if there were staff related issues which there were in this case. Ms Mills stated that she did not know if she saw the evidence before the hearing on the 12thMarch 2019 and confirmed that the CCTV did not have sound. Ms Mills confirmed that she had the unsigned statements from three members of staff it was her understanding that Mr Belton had obtained those statements. Ms Mills acknowledged that the letter that issued to the Complainant stated that a statement from guest was “TBC” but no statement was ever obtained. In respect of the statement from the member of staff that escorted the Complainant off the premises Ms Mill stated she saw no issue with taking that into account even thought it was not part of the original complaint. Ms Mill confirmed that she took that statement into account when coming to the decision to dismiss. Ms Mill accepted that this was not in line with the Respondent’s procedure. Ms Mills stated that the reason she had decided to dismiss was failure by the Complainant to follow company procedure. Ms Mills confirmed that the allegation of ‘requesting cash’ was not part of her decision to dismiss. It was put to Ms Mills that the allegation she was asked to investigate and contained in her statement to the Court was that the client had returned with a cash tip and said she was told she couldn’t make a card tip. However, under cross examination Mr Belton had confirmed that was not what had happened, that in fact a colleague of the customer had dropped in a cash tip and that Mr Belton’s evidence was that he rang the customer who was annoyed at the Respondent but did not want to make a written complaint. Ms Mills stated that she believed she followed the handbook in terms of the process although she did not look at the handbook at the time. It was put to Ms Mills by Ms Mc Veigh BL, that her colleague Ms Conway in her evidence to the Court (Ms Conway’s evidence was taken out of sequence to facilitate Ms Mills availability) set out below states that there were fundamental breaches of the policy. Ms Mill stated that she did not agree that the matter was not fully investigated. Ms Mills accepted that there were breaches of the policy in that the letter for the disciplinary hearing issued before the investigation was completed, the Complainant was not given all the details of the allegations against her in advance, the Complainant was not provided with all the written documents, was not provided with a statement from the guest, and the covert recording of the investigation meeting. Ms Mills stated that she thought it would be alright to hold the disciplinary hearing in a public bar but accepts now that it was not appropriate. In response to re direct from Mr West, Ms Mills stated that the CCTV footage was not played at the hearing, but the Complainant was given the footage in advance of the hearing. In respect of the statements from the three staff members Ms Mills was not sure when she saw the statements but thinks it was before the meeting and they were given to the Complainant before the meeting. Ms Sara Conway informed the Court in her statement of evidence that her position is Head of People for Troia who trade as the Ivy Collection and have a number of restaurants across the UK and one in Dublin. Ms Conway in her evidence to the Court stated that it was the Respondent’s policy that service charges, gratuities and tips are controlled centrally and paid out as commission to ensure all staff receive their contractual rate, any money over and above what is required is rolled forward. If there is insufficient money from the service charge, tips and gratuities then the Respondent steps in and meets the shortfall to ensure all staff receive their contractual wage. Ms Conway confirmed that the hourly rate is never below and is usually above the minimum wage. Managers and those with salaried posts do not receive commission from the pool. Ms Conway confirmed she was aware that Unite the Union had approached the Respondent about recognition and that they raised issues which included the payment of commission. She confirmed that she was aware of the camera issue in the locker room in the Dublin restaurant and that the HR Director had ensured that issue was resolved. It was Ms Conway’s understanding that the Union approach was at national level within the company as opposed to local. Ms Conway stated that prior to hearing the appeal she did not have any engagement with the Complainant. Ms Conway stated that the appeal took place on the 16thApril 2019 and that her thoughts and conclusions were set out in a three-page letter dated 23rdApril 2019 which was opened to the Court. Ms Conway stated that the fact the Complainant was a Union member had no bearing on her decision to uphold the decision to dismiss. The real reason that the Complainant’s employment was ended was the incident on 1stMarch 2019 where she had declined to take a gratuity by credit card resulting in the client returning with a cash gratuity at a later stage. In response to questioning from Ms Mc Veigh BL, Ms Conway confirmed that at the time she heard the appeal she had heard about the incident and the issue relating to the camera in the changing area. The Complainants appeal went to Ms Conway, and she spoke to Ms Mills about the original outcome and they both looked at Mr Belton’s statement and Ms Mill’s outcome. Prior to the appeal meeting on the 16thApril 2019 Ms Conway stated that she reviewed the papers she received and the CCTV footage. She accepted that it was unusual that the statement from the employee in respect of the alleged incident that occurred after the suspension was included and formed part of Ms Mill’s findings. Ms Conway accepts that the statement from that employee was not pertinent, but she did not reflect that in her letter setting out her decision. Ms Conway confirmed that there was no evidence of the Complainant looking for or receiving cash and she did not uphold that allegation. Ms Conway accepted that she did not specifically record that in her decision. Ms Conway accepted that the Respondent’s procedure as set out in the handbook was not followed and that the procedure was completely flawed. Ms Conway could offer no explanation as to how in circumstances where she accepts the procedure was completely flawed, she still upheld the original decision. Ms Conway stated that she factored in that the Complainant had a previous warning but accepted that she had not informed that Complainant that she would be taking that into consideration. Ms Conway confirmed that she had not asked Mr Belton why he had not investigated other staff members who he believed had taken cash tips or why he had not dealt with them in the same manner. Ms Conway stated that while she accepts that the procedure was not best practise and that it may not have met the requirements of natural justice in her opinion the issue trumped the process. Ms Conway stated that she had Mr Belton’s written statement and three unsigned and undated statements, and the Complainant did not dispute that she had skipped the screen that allowed the customer to give a tip. In response to a question from the Court Ms Conway stated that she was not sure when she became aware of Ms Pretorius meeting with the Union, but it was sometime prior to the appeal hearing. In response to a question from Mr West, Ms Conway stated that she did not know anything about cash being requested and she was satisfied that she knew what the issues were at the disciplinary hearing. Mr West in his closing statement submitted that, in order for a worker with less than one year’s service to enjoy the protection of the Act the reason for dismissal had to be one of the exceptions set out in the Act. The authorities show that a mere assertion by an employee that there is another reason for the dismissal is not sufficient. The reason for dismissal is the reason that was in the minds of Ms Mills and Ms Conway when they decided to dismiss. The Complainant accepts that it was unusual for someone to come back with a cash tip. If the Respondent wanted to get rid of the Complainant because of her Union involvement they could have sacked her the previous December when she was given a final written warning for an alcohol related incident. Mr West submitted that Mr Belton had given the Complainant pay rises because he wanted to keep her onboard. There were Union leaflets in the staff area of the restaurant, and this was not an issue there was no hostility to Union membership. Ms Mills who made the decision to dismiss had no previous engagement with the Complainant. The Complainant was provided with written statements but did not put forward a counter statement. Mr Belton took the statements at face value which he was entitled to do. People who make statements may want to remain anonymous no legal entitlement to direct examination and particularly not in a short service dismissal where procedural fairness is not such a high standard. The Relevant Law The Unfair dismissal Act at Section 2 exclusions states; (1) [Except in so far as any provision of this Act otherwise provides], this Act shall not apply in relation to any of the following persons: (a) an employee (other than a person referred to in section 4 of this Act) who is dismissed, who, at the date of his dismissal, had less than one year's continuous service with the employer who dismissed him […], Section 6 of that Act states; (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the dismissal of an employee shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be an unfair dismissal unless, having regard to all the circumstances, there were substantial grounds justifying the dismissal. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section, the dismissal of an employee shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be an unfair dismissal if it results wholly or mainly from one or more of the following: (a) the employee's membership, or proposal that he or another person become a member, of, or his engaging in activities on behalf of, a trade union or excepted body under the Trade Union Acts 1941 and 1971 [as amended by the Industrial Relations Act 1990], where the times at which he engages in such activities are outside his hours of work or are times during his hours of work in which he is permitted pursuant to the contract of employment between him and his employer so to engage, The Unfair Dismissal (Amendment) Act 1993 states at Section 14; Dismissal of persons during apprenticeship, training, etc. or during first year of service, for trade union membership or activities Sections 2(1), 3 and 4 and subsections (1) and (6) of section 6 of the Principal Act shall not apply to a person referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the said section 2(1) or the said section 3 or 4 who is dismissed if the dismissal results wholly or mainly from one or more of the matters referred to in subsection (2)(a) of the said section 6. Issue for the Court Dismissal as a fact is not in dispute however, in order for the Complainant to have the protection of the Act the Complainants dismissal must have arisen wholly or mainly from becoming a member of or engaging in activities on behalf of a Trade Union. Discussion These allegations were put by Mr Belton in the letter of suspension that he handed the Complainant. On the same day about 90 minutes later Mr Belton sent the Complainant a letter by email inviting her to a disciplinary hearing the following Monday in a nearby public house. That letter outlined four allegations. However, the allegation of asking for cash was not one of the four allegations. No explanation was provided to the Court as to how in the space of approximately ninety minutes the number of allegations against the Complainant had doubled from two to four. Two of the three statements made by the staff members made no reference to the incident of the 1stMarch 2019 or to speaking with the customer. One of the statements was in respect of being asked to join the union while in work and the other was in respect of a conversation about an unrelated issue. The Court can find no reason for those statements to be included as part of the disciplinary process and Mr Belton offered no explanation as to how he had come by these statements, why they were unsigned and undated or why he had decided to include them as being relevant to the disciplinary hearing in particular the statement in respect of Trade Union activities in the workplace. Both Ms Mills and Ms Conway in their evidence to the Court made reference to a statement from Mr Belton. This statement was not provided to the Complainant or put before the Court. There was also evidence before the Court that Mr Belton had contrary to the Respondents policies covertly recorded his meeting with the Complainant. The Court finds that these actions in and of themselves raise serious concerns about the bona fides of the allegations against the Complainant. This was the version of events that Ms Mills and Ms Conway based their decisions in respect of the disciplinary hearing and appeal on, and both indicated in their evidence that they found Mr Belton’s version of events to be credible. They both confirmed that they had not seen a complaint from the customer only the version of events put forward by Mr Belton. However, under cross examination Mr Belton changed his evidence and confirmed that the customer had not returned to the restaurant. He confirmed that on the 1stMarch 2019 a lady holding a clutch bag came in the door of the restaurant and had a conversation with a member of staff on reception. She stated that her colleague had returned from lunch and had been told that the waiter could not take a card tip and she wanted to leave a €10 cash tip. Mr Belton stated that a member of staff told him what had happened, and he was very annoyed. It was Mr Belton’s evidence that he saw the exchange at the reception, but he did not get involved. He stated that this was about 1.30pm. Mr Belton stated that he logged into open table and got the customers contact details and he rang the customer about 2.00pm. The customer stated she was unhappy with the restaurant but that she did not want to make a written complaint. Mr Belton did not offer any explanation for why his report to Ms Mills and Ms Conway did not reflect what had actually occurred. The Respondent makes no argument that this report was incorrect and therefore the only remaining possibility is that Mr Belton deliberately submitted a report that was factually incorrect. This leaves the question as to why Mr Belton would put in place a disciplinary procedure knowing that he did not have a customer statement, knowing that the customer had not returned, knowing that he had no proof that a cash tip had been asked for and that the only incident per-se was the decision by the waiter not to ask for a gratuity on the credit card which could be clearly seen from the CCTV. The Complainant has given an explanation for doing this. The Court finds the reason given by the Complainant that she did not ask the customer for a tip because a) the customer was in a hurry to leave b) the customer was annoyed and c) that the waitress who had served her could not take payment should have been considered by Mr Belton before proceeding to the next stage of the process. The Court having considered the issues set out above finds that the reason put forward by the Respondent for the dismissal was not in fact the real reason for the dismissal. This leaves the question as to why this Complainant was dismissed for a breach of procedure when other employees in similar circumstances were not. The Complainant submits that the reason Mr Belton pursued this issue in this manner and contrary to the Respondent’s policies was that he wanted her gone because of her Trade Union activities. The Respondent denies this but offers no explanation for why the procedures were not followed or why Mr Belton effectively embellished or exaggerated what had actually occurred and, in that context, embellished or exaggerated the allegations against the Complainant which ultimately led to her dismissal. This circular was distributed to members by the Complainant and Ms Marciniak in and around the 27thFebruary 2019. On the 1stMarch 2019 approximately two hours after he learned that the Complainant and Ms Marciniak had been suspended from work, he received an email from Ms Pretorius advising that the Respondent no longer wanted to engage with the Union and indicating that staff could contact her directly.Mr Ogle in his evidence to the Court stated that he did not accept that the two issues were not linked. The Respondent submitted that there was no link between the two issues. The Court finds on this issue that it does not have sufficient information to establish whether or not there was a link between the decision to dismiss the Complainant and the decision to terminate the engagement with the Union at national level. The Court does not find this evidence to be credible for the following reasons. Mr Belton in his letter to the Complainant on the 1st ofMarch 2019 inviting her to a disciplinary meeting the following Monday references statements from three unidentified members of staff. While it is still not clear to the Court how Mr Belton came by these statements one of the statements is not in any way related to the events that are alleged to have occurred on the 1stMarch 2019 but is a statement by a member of staff expressing discontent at being asked on a number of occasions while at work to join the Union. Mr Belton obviously believed that the Complainant was involved in engaging with this member of staff in terms of joining the Union and included it as documentation relevant to the disciplinary hearing to support the charge against the Complainant. The Court concludes that Mr Belton’s assertion that he did not know anything about the Union at that point in time does not stand up to scrutiny. Mr Belton’s assertion that he did not know Ms Pretorius had met Mr Ogle from Unite even though Ms Pretorius met him (Mr Belton) immediately after the meeting and discussed with him the issues Mr Ogle had raised with her is difficult to accept. The Court finds on the balance of probabilities, that Ms Pretorius did tell Mr Belton that she had met Mr Ogle from Unite when she was discussing the issues with him. The Court is fortified in this finding by the evidence of his colleagues Ms Mills that Ms Pretorius would keep a manager informed if she was having a meeting that affected that managers staff. Finally, Mr Belton did not contest the evidence of the Complainant that sometime after the meeting with Ms Pretorius when in February she asked him what was happening about the tips that he had asked her why she was asking him as she should already know, he mentioned a union petition, laughed and walked away from her. In consideration of all the evidence and submissions of the Complainant and the Respondent, and for the reasons set out above the Court finds on the balance of probabilities that Mr Belton did know that the Complainant was a Union member and involved in Union activities. The Court having found that the disciplinary process was based on a false premise in that certain events as originally outlined by Mr Belton and relied on by Mr Belton’s colleagues throughout the disciplinary process had not actually occurred at all, concludes that Mr Belton had misrepresented the facts of what had actually occurred and, by his own evidence had in fact-initiated contact with the customer who declined to make a written complaint. The Court has to look behind the reason relied on by the Respondent as to what could have motivated the Respondent to act in the matter. The Court finds, based on the evidence before it and in particular the evidence of Mr Belton, that the Complainant was treated differently to how other workers had been treated in similar situations. In coming to that finding the Court relies on the following. The Complainant’s uncontested evidence that other head waiters had on occasion skipped over the tip option when they felt the customer was annoyed or unhappy and that they had not faced any disciplinary sanction was not contested. Mr Belton’s evidence that he had treated the Complainant different to how he had treated other staff because he had “had enough”. Mr Belton’s evidence that the Complainant was one of the main people raising the issue of the tips and that he was fed up with being asked about the tips and members of the public thinking he was pocketing them when salaried members of staff like himself did not get any of the tips. The Court places particular weight on Mr Belton’s decision, not disputed or explained in evidence by him, to include as relevant in the papers relied upon in the disciplinary process, an unsigned and undated statement allegedly received from a member of staff alluding only to the Complainant’s Trade Union activities. Determination The findings of the Court are as follows; That the actions of the Respondent raise serious concerns about the bona fides of the allegations against the Complainant. That on the balance of probabilities Mr Belton deliberately submitted a report to Ms Mills and Ms Conway that was factually incorrect That the disciplinary procedures that flowed from that report was fatally flawed That the reason put forward by the Respondent for the dismissal was not the real reason for the dismissal. That Mr Belton’s evidence that he was not aware that the Complainant was a member and active in the Union was such as not to be credible. Having reviewed the caselaw opened to the Court and following the dicta relied on by Humphrey J inJohn Clarke v CGI food servicethat the Court should look beyond the mere face value of either sides arguments, the Court determines that in this case the evidence supports the Complainant’s contention that the allegations of ‘misconduct’ were an attempt to hide the real reason for her dismissal which was because of her Trade Union membership and activities. The Court Determines that the Complainant was dismissed mainly for her Trade Union activities and that she therefore can avail of the protections provided under section 14 of the Unfair Dismissal (Amendment) Act 1993 and for the reason set out above that she was unfairly dismissed. The Court, having heard the parties on the three forms of redress available under the Act determines that in the circumstances of this case compensation is the appropriate form of redress. The Court has considered the Complainant’s evidence of mitigation and loss and awards compensation of €7,924 calculated as follows. The Complainant was dismissed on the 22ndMarch 2019 and was paid four weeks pay in lieu of notice bringing her up to the 21stApril 2019. The Complainant was unemployed for ten weeks when she commenced employment on the 1stJuly 2019. At the time of dismissal, the Complainant was earning €18 per hour and working for 35 hours per week which equates to a loss of €6,300 for that From the 1stJuly 2019 to the 1stSeptember 2019 the Complainant was earning€10.20 per hour in a new employment plus €5 an hour of tips on average totalling €15.20. this hourly rate leaving a shortfall of €2.80 per hour versus her earnings prior to dismissal by 8 weeks totalling €784.00 From 1stSeptember until 31stDecember 2019 when the Complainant went on maternity leave her hourly rate was €11.50 per hour plus €5 tips totalling €16.50 per hour leaving a shortfall versus her earnings prior to dismissal of €1.50 pr hour by 35hours by 16 weeks totalling €840.00 for that period. The Court calculates the overall loss up to the end of 2019 as being €7,924. The Court notes the evidence of the Complainant that after her maternity leave, she returned to that employment as it suited her circumstances to work there on lesser hours. The Court determines that the Complainant was unfairly dismissed and that compensation in the amount of €7,924 should be paid to the Complainant. The decision of the Adjudication Officer is set aside. The Court so determines.