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Making a Complaint

How do I make an Employment Rights, Employment Equality or Equal Status Complaint?

You may access an electronic version of the Workplace Relations Complaint Form on the Refer a Dispute/Make a Complaint page, which you can complete and submit on-line.

How do I complete the Complaint Form?

You should complete all sections of the form which are relevant to your complaint. Various sections of the form have Information buttons or hot-spots (marked with an ‘i’ on a blue background) which, when clicked, provide guidance relevant to the item in question. Providing as much information as possible and ensuring that you have completed all relevant sections of the form, will assist the office in processing and progressing your complaint without the need to revert to you seeking further details.

Do I have to complete a separate Form for each Complaint I may have?

No. The Workplace Relations Complaint Form allows for multiple complaints to be submitted at the same time.

How do I enter more than one complaint on the form?

In the General Complaint area of the form, once you have entered your first complaint, selected the specific complaint type, chosen the relevant redress option, and entered any further specific information requested, you should click the ‘New Complaint’ button. Repeat the process until you have entered all of your complaints. You should then select the ‘Submit’ button to register your complaint(s) on-line with Workplace Relations Information & Customer Services.

I have additional documentation relevant to my complaint. Can I attach it to my Complaint Form?

No, it is not possible to attach extra documentation to the online complaint form. If you have any additional documentation that you would like to submit with your complaint, this should be sent (citing the initial reference number provided to you by email), by post or by secure email to Information and Customer Service (ICS), Workplace Relations Commission, O'Brien Road, Carlow, R93 E920. Please contact at Tel 0818 80 80 90 if you wish to submit such documentation electronically.

Will my Complaint Form be acknowledged?

Once you have used the 'Submit' button, you will receive a screen message stating that your complaint has been submitted successfully. (This does not mean that your complaint has been successfully received by the Workplace Relations Commission.) If you have provided a valid email address on the form, you will receive a notification by email that your complaint has been successfully received by the Commission. This notification will also provide a Reference Number(s). (Note - If you provide a valid email address, but do not receive an email confirmation within a short while after submission, you should contact Workplace Relations Information and Customer Services on 0818 80 80 90 to check the status of your submission.)

What will happen to my Complaint?

In certain cases the Commission’s Mediation Service will contact the Complainant and the Respondent with a view to attempting to encourage and facilitate both parties to resolve issues as an alternative to a formal hearing. If both parties are unwilling to engage in mediation or if attempts at mediation are unsuccessful, the complaint will be referred to the relevant redress forum.

If your complaint is not considered or chosen for mediation it will be forwarded for adjudication.

Can I use the Complaint Form to Appeal a Decision to the Labour Court?

No. A separate Appeal Form is available for completion in such cases - please see our Publications and Forms page.

Can I use the Complaint Form to submit a Collective Dispute for decision?

No. Collective disputes should be referred to the Labour Court for investigation and, if necessary, intervention.

Can I use the Complaint Form to seek enforcement of a decision?

No. In order to seek enforcement of a decision or determination you should complete the relevant form on our Publications and Forms page.

Can I use the Complaint Form to make a complaint under the Equal Status Acts?

Yes. However, prior to submitting your complaint, you must have notified the Respondent (person/company against whom you are making the complaint) in writing that you are considering lodging a complaint against them. For further information on Equal Status matters and full detailed instructions on complaint procedures, please see the Equal Status page.