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Seasonal Workers


Updated: 13/07/2023

A seasonal worker is a person who, for a limited period, works for a seasonal operation which is frequently found in the horticultural or agricultural sector.  Other sectors, such as tourism and construction, are also included.  

Employees placed by an agency to carry out seasonal work are also in this category.

Workers on seasonal work patterns have full access to the employment law provisions and to the terms and conditions of employment that employees are guaranteed under the law in Ireland.

If you are coming to work in Ireland from outside the state there may be particular requirements you must meet. Further information can be found here Coming to Work in Ireland

Terms and conditions of employment

Within five days of commencing employment, an employee must receive a written statement of the core terms of their employment.

Employees must also receive a full written statement of their terms and conditions of employment within one month of commencing employment.

A full list of what should be included in the terms of employment, together with further information, can be found here Terms of Employment.

Wages and Pay

The National Minimum Wage is the minimum hourly pay rate that employers can legally pay their employees. It applies to full-time, part-time, temporary and seasonal employees.  The rates are age related, with the full rate applying to those age 20 or over. 

If your employment is covered by an SEO or an ERO you may have an entitlement to a higher rate of pay.

An employee is also entitled to a premium payment for Sunday working.

A written statement of wages (payslip) must be given to every employee with every payment of wages or, if you are paid electronically, as soon as possible after an electronic transfer has taken place.

Working Hours

The legislation sets out the rules around maximum working hours and, also, daily and weekly rest breaks.

In some industries, such as agriculture and tourism, the rest breaks and rest periods may differ. Further information can be found here Working Hours

Right to Disconnect

The Code of Practice on the Right to Disconnect gives all employees the right to switch off from work outside of normal working hours, including the right to not respond immediately to emails, telephone calls or other messages.   This ensures a better work-life balance.  

The full Code is available to view here Code of practice for employers and employees on the right to disconnect

Holiday leave

All employees, whether they are full-time, part-time, temporary or seasonal, earn annual leave and public holiday entitlements from the time they commence employment.

There are minimum statutory entitlements for all employees, including an entitlement to four weeks paid annual leave per leave year for most employees. However, employees’ holiday entitlements are calculated depending on time worked and further information on holiday leave can be found here Annual Leave

Public Holidays

In Ireland there are now ten public holidays each year.

From 2023, there will be a new public holiday on the first Monday in February and the first Monday in February each year thereafter, except where 1st February falls on a Friday in which case that Friday 1st February will be the public holiday.

While full-time workers have an immediate entitlement to benefit for public holidays, part-time workers have entitlement to benefit when they have worked a total of 40 hours in the previous 5 weeks.

The list of public holidays and further information on your entitlements can be found here Public Holidays

Queries on workplace rights

Tel: 0818 80 80 90

00 353 59 917 8990 (for callers from outside of the Republic of Ireland).

(Opening Hours 09:30 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00   Mon - Fri )

Written queries can be sent to the WRC using our eform 


Complaints in relation to employment rights and equality should be made to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).  Complaints may result in a hearing by an Adjudicator or an inspection by an inspector of the WRC.

Click here for full details on how to make a complaint

Health and Safety

Complaints relating to Health & Safety matters in the workplace should be made to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA). 

Contact Details:



Tel: 0818 289 389

00 353 01 6147000 (for callers from outside of the Republic of Ireland).

An emergency service outside of standard office hours is operated.

In case of a serious injury/fatality outside of standard business hours (9:00am to 3:00pm), callers can call the 0818 289 389 number where they will be offered a transfer to the Police (Garda Síochána) who will in turn notify a HSA senior inspector.

Please note: The above opening hours and contact details for HSA are correct at the point of last update of this webpage but please visit HSA - Contact Us page for any recent updates.

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We also have information guides in multiple languages.

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