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Employment Types

Employee or Self-Employed?

The term 'employee' is generally defined as 'a person who has entered into or works under (or, where the employment has ceased, entered into or worked under) a contract of employment;'. However, in ascertaining whether a person is actually employed or self-employed, and accordingly what rights and/or entitlements that person has, it may be necessary for that person to seek a decision by means of a referral to the Revenue Commissioners or SCOPE section of the Department of Social Protection. 
A Code of Practice document outlining the criteria used for assessment of a person's status may be found through this link..

Types of Employment:

A person may be employed as a full-time, part-time, or fixed-term employee or as an agency worker, depending on the needs of the employer and/or the purpose of the employment. Further information on each of these is available on the links at the foot of the page.

Further information regarding rights, entitlements and responsibilities, for both employer and employee, are available by clicking on the links in the menu on the left. 

You may also contact our Information and Customer Service by using the 'Contact Us' page, or on 0818 80 80 90 or 059 917 8990