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COVID-19 Update - 24 March 2020

Article revised on 26 March 2020

Mindful of the latest Government announcements, the WRC has further postponed all Adjudication Hearings, Conciliation Meetings, Face- to -Face Mediations, and cancelled all on-site Inspections until after Sunday 19th April 2020.

The WRC would encourage both parties involved in a complaint submitted for Adjudication to provide an email address that can be used by the WRC. It is important that the WRC has a valid email address, as the WRC will endeavour to communicate with both parties via email.

Please send this email address to and give the names of the parties involved and the Adjudication or Complaint File reference number. If you have already provided Adjudication Services with a valid email address, there is no need to do so again.

The WRC remains open for business and parties can submit complaints for adjudication using the online complaint form at the following link:

It is recommended that parties use the online complaint form only to submit complaints and to be aware of the important timeframes for submitting these complaints. The date of receipt will be recorded on the online complaint form.

The process on How to Refer a Complaint is set out HERE

We will follow up to schedule hearings at an appropriate time and subject to government advice. However, given the nature of the present situation it may be a period of time before such hearings are in a position to proceed.

In this regard, the WRC Mediation Team will endeavour to contact parties, to offer them the option of telephone mediation. This may assist the parties to resolve the complaint speedily, without the need for adjudication.

Conciliation referrals can continue to be submitted online via email at

While on-site Inspections have ceased for the present, Inspector’s work in monitoring labour exploitation, and checking that workers’ statutory employment rights are given, will continue. Being mindful of prevailing circumstances in each business, Inspectors will progress existing inspections and commence new cases based on risk. They will contact employers by phone, letter or email.

Where documentation is outstanding, this can be sent by post to the relevant WRC office or you can use WRC’s secure file transfer facility, ShareFile. If you wish to use this facility, the inspector can send you a secure Sharefile link.

Cooperation by businesses in dealing with us in this manner is appreciated.

The situation will be kept under review and updates will be posted on the WRC website and social media channels.