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Mediation Introduction

The Workplace Relations Commission provides mediation to a range of service users. Mediation and its delivery provides for a confidential, professional, efficient and effective service in order to assist all parties reach a mutually acceptable agreement or outcome to a dispute or claim which can also and often provides for the avoidance of participation in a formal adjudication or other third party process.  

The propelling nature and principles in the delivery of this service are guided by the impartial manner and conduct of the mediators as to the content and outcome of the process; the respect shown by the mediator to all parties participating in the process; the adherence to the confidential nature of the process and the ability of all parties to effectively control the outcome and the solution emanating from the process.  

 The mediation service is provided by a cross-divisional team of trained professional mediation officers and is free to all users.  

 The WRC provides mediation as follows:

Mediation in Employment Rights/Unequal Treatment and Discrimination Cases

The mediation service affords employees appropriate access to its mediation service in circumstances where assistance is sought in respect of claims of infringements to employment rights; it also provides access to the public in respect of claims involving unequal treatment and discrimination claims in the civil and public service. This form of mediation seeks to arrive at a solution through an agreement between the parties, rather than through an investigation or hearing or formal decision where a formal complaint has been lodged with the WRC for Adjudication.

Mediation/Facilitation - Internal Workplace Issues

Workplace Mediation/Facilitation is provided on an ad hoc basis and delivered in a prompt, confidential and effective manner as an alternative remedy to workplace conflicts, disputes and disagreements.  It is particularly suited to disputes involving individuals or small groups of workers who find themselves dealing with situations which may involve the following:

  • Interpersonal differences, conflicts, difficulties in working together
  • Breakdown in a working relationship
  • Issues arising from a grievance and disciplinary procedure (particularly before a matter becomes a disciplinary issue)
  • Mediation is included as a voluntary stage in some grievance or dignity at work procedures and the WRC is nominated as the provider of a mediation service in some organisations. The WRC is available to discuss a similar arrangement with other public bodies or private companies