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Updated 07/10/2024

Redundancy occurs where an employee’s position ceases to exist and the employee is not replaced.  Any employee aged 16 or over with 104 weeks’ continuous service with an employer, in fully insurable employment, is entitled to a statutory redundancy payment in this situation.

An employee who has received a 'Notice of Proposed Dismissal for Redundancy (Form RP50 (Part A))' may decide to leave the employment earlier than the date of redundancy notified to him/her, for example to take up an offer of alternative employment. If he/she decides to leave, there is a risk that he/she may lose any entitlement to redundancy payments unless they notify their employer in writing using Form RP6 - Leaving Before a Redundancy Expires. An employer has discretion as to whether to grant such a request or not. It should be noted that leaving during the notice period without the employer's agreement may affect a person's entitlement to a redundancy payment.

If you have been laid off or on short-time working for 4 weeks or more, you may give your employer notice of your intention to claim a redundancy payment on Form RP9 - Lay Off and Short Term Procedures.

If an employer has not paid the employee their redundancy lump sum, they should apply to the employer for it using form RP77 - Claim by an Employee against an Employer for a Lump Sum or Part of a Lump Sum. If the employer still refuses to pay it or if there is a dispute about redundancy, they can bring a claim to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) using the WRC online e-complaint form. It is not possible for employees to apply directly to the Department of Social Protection without either:

(a) the application form signed by the employer (the employer must provide evidence of financial inability to pay) or

(b) a WRC decision confirming redundancy.

The statutory redundancy payment is two week’s gross pay per year of service up to a ceiling of €600 per week plus one week’s bonus pay, which is also subject to the ceiling of €600.  This payment is tax-free. Some employers may make redundancy agreements above the statutory rate.

For information on the status of redundancy lump sum submitted for payment you can contact the Redundancy Payments Section directly on 0818 111112. Further information will also be published on - Redundancy Payment Scheme

For a copy of the relevant redundancy forms please go to the redundancy page on the Department of Social Protection website.

The Department of Social Protection provides a redundancy calculator tool to estimate a statutory redundancy entitlement. It is available to anyone to use. Alternatively, Redundancy Calculator examples are also available on here.

The online central resource page provides an overview of Redundancy and Insolvency (Employee Entitlements) and is available here.

Use these links to view or download copies of the Redundancy Payments Act, 1967 or the Protection of Employment (Exceptional Collective Redundancies and Related Matters) Act, 2007.